Long Term Investigations

A strategic approach to in-depth investigation, asking the right questions & getting you answers.
Longer term private investigations are often needed by corporations and organisations who have complex problems to solve or who need to look at longer-term patterns of behaviour before conclusions can be reached.

Our dedicated team commit to creating a plan around the investigation, looking closely at the various elements that might be needed to build the picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle, often our long term private investigations need to draw on numerous of our short term investigation skills to create a larger, more in-depth plan.

If you need to bring the pieces together of an in-depth investigation, we can offer you a strategic approach that asks the right questions and gets the answers.

Find out more about:
  • When you work in business, it can get competitive. Discovering, or having suspicions, that some of your trade secrets might be getting into the hands of competitors can have a damaging impact on your business.

    Corporate espionage will give you answers on any leaks or breaches of confidence by rogue employees, so that you can stop and prevent any damage to your business.

    • Find out if you have leaks
    • Discover what competitors are doing & where they’re getting their information from
    • Prevent breaches of security or loss of valuable data

    If your offices have been bugged, we can sweep and destroy so that you’re protected. We’ll also run background checks on employees, investors and anyone else who might have access to sensitive information. We can put together a comprehensive plan of action so that your business, and its information, is protected.

    Corporate espionage can also help you to discover what your competitors are doing, giving you valuable insight into trading and operating patterns that are key to your industry.

  • Perhaps you have concerns about a benefit claimant? Or maybe a business partner’s circumstances don’t seem to check out? Life surveillance is useful for building a picture of someone’s life when you’re trying to ascertain the truth about them. It can be difficult to prove aspects of people’s lives without a comprehensive drill-down into who they are.

    We take a dedicated and deep dive into every aspect of someone’s life so that you get a comprehensive view of who they are:

    • Analyse all aspects of their lives from leisure habits, investments and day-to-day life
    • Create a dossier of evidence that gives a true reflection of who they are
    • Identify patterns and prove that incidents are not isolated or one-off

    Building a pattern of life gives you solid evidence to present in court and helps protect you against counter claims of incidents being isolated or people changing. If you’re struggling to prove what you already know, we’ll collect a substantial evidence base through life surveillance to help you get answers.

  • Placing employees on gardening leave requires an element of trust. Trust that they will honour the terms and conditions of their leave and that they won’t leak your company information to a competitor they intend to work for, or start a rival business based on information that you have attained.

    We can listen, record, photograph and film evidence that could pose harm to your business.

    • Prove any leaks of breaches of non-disclosure
    • Find out if your former employee is honouring their gardening leave conditions
    • Discover if they’ve established a new business and what information they are using

    We can protect you from having critical company information being sold off, competitor start-ups using your information and data and attempts at corporate sabotage. If you have concerns about an employee you’ve placed on gardening leave then ask us to help you investigate.

  • Getting a super injunction can feel like a victory to stop sensitive information being released into the public domain. But how can you guarantee that the injunction will be adhered to?

    Surveillance can offer you an extra level of protection to provide you with proof that it either is or isn’t being adhered to. And it can give you valuable evidence if you need to take it back to court.

    • Prove any super injunction compliance breaches
    • Investigate concerns
    • Get reliable evidence

    Super injunctions can be incredibly sensitive areas – even the knowledge of the super injunction existing can be problematic if it gets into the public domain. With such a high level of sensitivity surrounding it, we want to offer you an extra layer of protection to ensure compliance.

  • Borrowing large amounts of money can increase your risk. Using debt as a way to try and increase return on investment can be successful, but without careful analysis it can also carry with it a threat to your business.

    We can investigate records of leverage levels, successes and failures within businesses to determine how stable the company is. This can provide you with peace of mind if you’re thinking of investing in a business or even merging with another.

    • Get a clear financial picture
    • Find out about any hidden threats or risks
    • Be able to ask the right questions before you invest

    By using surveillance, background checks and financial information we’ll get you answers to any financial concerns you might have. Getting a better grasp of the financial status of any investment could prevent large losses or potential problems further down the line.

  • Sometimes you have concerns about people’s behaviour or you might need evidence to prove that things have been said. Whether you have a nanny or a carer and are concerned about your relatives’ welfare or you have a concern about employees in your office, video and a bug voice recorder can provide you with valuable evidence.

    Our equipment discreetly captures information and recordings that will help you get to the truth.

    • Collect voice recordings and evidence
    • Get to the truth
    • Monitor conversations when you’re not around

    Being privy to conversations that are happening when you’re not around can give you solid understanding of any problems. It can help lead to resolutions or even contribute towards legal proceedings if they are necessary.

    If you’re having doubts about what might be happening in your environment, a bug voice recorder can help you to monitor what’s going on. Ask us for help.

  • Sometimes you need an individual to act on your behalf, going directly to the source of the problem. Our investigators are skilled in covert operations and can confidently and discreetly act as undercover agent on your behalf to gather evidence and provide you with proof.

    An undercover agent can have benefits, particularly when the person you are dealing with or the problem you are trying to solve is evasive.

    • Person to person contact that doesn’t impact your safety, we do it on your behalf
    • Going inside environments that are difficult to access
    • Collation of evidence that wouldn’t be possible remotely

    We are prepared to go above and beyond for our clients to do what it takes to get you the answers. If we need to gain evidence from inside a hostile environment, then we do that for you. It’s our job to help you get to the truth.

  • Proof of residency problems can come up in many areas of life. Parents can change addresses for favourable school catchment areas, people can claim expenses on second homes despite living in them for the majority of the year or, on a bigger scale, some people can claim to be resident of a different country to avoid tax bills or prosecution.

    Our surveillance skills and techniques allow us to prove residency beyond doubt, giving you facts and evidence that stand up in legal proceedings and allow you to take affirmative action.

    • Prevent residency fraud
    • Proof of residency with evidence
    • Challenge any false claims

    It can be difficult to gain the time and resources to prove residency effectively. Tight budgets, lack of time and travel constraints can all prevent residency from being confirmed.

    We can do the hard work for you so that you get proof of residency results that are accurate and viable as evidence.

  • When a hostile business takeover is initiated it can cause chaos. A once stable business and co-ordinated board of directors can become fragmented and the businesses value and profit can plummet.

    We can research the origins of any attempted company takeover and how it was initiated. By using surveillance, going undercover or by using recording or audio we can gain proof to see if any of the actions were underhand.

    • Find out the legitimacy of any corporate takeover
    • Process serving safely and legally if required
    • Prevent a hostile takeover that could threaten your business

    We can research and travel all over the world, so if there’s any suspicion of international involvement, we don’t let that stand in our way. We’ll travel wherever we need to go to get you the answers you need.

    Process serving forms an essential part of these services, ensuring that any hostile takeover is stopped in its tracks.

  • When it comes to commercial waste fraud and fly tipping, it can be difficult to build a complete picture of the perpetrators on your own. Different vehicles can be used, friends and family drawn into help disguise what’s happening, even other companies can be used to distract from the problem. All of this can turn a straightforward issue into a complex case to be proved.

    By surveillance, background checks and even vehicle tracking we can identify what’s happening and who’s involved in the commercial waste fraud meaning that you can:

    • Trace the source of the problem
    • Take samples for private testing to gather evidence
    • Prosecute the offenders

    We’ll take care to make sure that our discreet investigations build a complete picture, not just a part of it. You’ll have answers to your questions and we’ll even provide you with evidence and solutions for further problems if we find anything else suspicious happening.

    If you’re struggling to manage commercial waste fraud and fly tipping then ask us to stop the problem in its tracks.

If you feel like you’ve exhausted all your options, we want to help.